West Norfolk Help Hub 5 years of supporting people in need

Partners celebrated 5 years of West Norfolk Help Hub on Tuesday with a networking event to explore even more ways they can work together. 45 organisations with stands attended and around 90 professionals came to network.

The Help Hub is a partnership of organisations working together to provide joined-up support for people with a range of problems and needs. These could include helping families with social, health, emotional and employment problems, or helping individuals who need support to thrive.

Cllr Jo Rust, the borough council’s cabinet member for people and communities, said: “This is all about making sure our partnerships work effectively to support people.

“Whenever a person or family is referred, their circumstances are assessed using a multi-agency approach – all the relevant organisations look at the support that’s needed and work together to put it in place.”

The most common issues that the Help Hub works on are coping with mental health issues, housing needs and living with physical health problems.

A was a person with learning difficulties who was also experiencing problems with loneliness caused by bereavement. This had caused additional mental health issues and had a knock-on impact on their ability to manage their finances.

Working together, the partners arranged for A to have a mental health assessment, putting support in place for them to attend an appointment. Home visits were arranged for applications for relevant benefits and also an application to Norfolk Hardship Service for help with energy debts. Social support was given to build A’s confidence in using public transport.

As a result, A becoming homeless was prevented and the partnership was able to improve their financial situation and mental health. 

Cllr Rust added: “It’s a fantastic approach because it makes sure all the partners are working together to help people with their problems. You can really see the difference it makes to people’s lives.”