A new hub which brings together services from a range of organisations has opened in the heart of Dereham.
The Link is set inside Breckland Business Centre, off St Withburga Lane, and aims to provide a one-stop-shop of support and early intervention, so people only need to tell their story once to access all the help they need. It has been created in partnership between Breckland Council and mental health charity, Norfolk and Waveney Mind.
People using the Link will be able to access help from Breckland Council’s Community and Housing officers, as well as mental health support from Norfolk and Waveney Mind. The Link is also being supported by a number of other partners, who are also providing help to people if they need it. The partners include Citizens Advice, the Department for Work and Pensions, the Boost skills programme, Nova Training and NHS Talking Therapies. Further partners may be added in the future as The Link evolves.
How could The Link work in practice?
An example of how The Link will work could see somebody referred to speak with a Norfolk and Waveney Mind expert to access mental health support. If it is identified that they need support because they have lost their job and are struggling financially, they could then be referred to further partners at The Link, such as the Boost programme to assess and enhance their skills to help them get a new job and DWP to claim any benefits for which they are eligible while they are looking for employment.
Speaking at the launch event this week, Cllr Sam Chapman-Allen, Leader of Breckland Council, said: “I’m so pleased that we are able to help local people, particularly some of our most vulnerable residents, when they need it most. The Link absolutely demonstrates our collaborative approach, which is at the heart of everything we’re doing.”
Nick Francis, Chair of Norfolk and Waveney Mind’s Trustees, commented: “This is the first time we’ve worked in this way, so it is a very exciting project. The Link is a very different project because of the linkages we’ve formed with the other organisations based here and that will be a really good way of supporting local people.”
The Link was officially opened this week by The Lady Dannatt MBE, Lord-Lieutenant for Norfolk. Speaking ahead of unveiling a plaque commemorating the occasion, she said: “It is a huge honour and privilege to open The Link. Norfolk and Waveney Mind is a charity for which I have endless time and, like Breckland Council, is an organisation that dares to do different and Norfolk really benefits richly as a result. Nobody should live without hope and it is my aspiration that this project will lead to a much more joined up service for all the residents in this local community.”

Initially The Link will be accessible by referral from one of the involved partners but in time opportunities to make this a drop-in service will be reviewed.