All All upcoming events in Norfolk

Pop Up Shops - 08/08/2025

Pop Up Shops - 09/08/2025

Medieval Norwich – from the Normans to the Tudors - 09/08/2025


Native2Norfolk: Reepham Market - 10/08/2025

Pop Up Shops - 10/08/2025

Pop Up Shops - 11/08/2025

Pop Up Shops - 12/08/2025

Pop Up Shops - 14/08/2025

Pop Up Shops - 15/08/2025

Pop Up Shops - 16/08/2025

Shardlake’s Norwich - 16/08/2025


Worstead Estate Farmers Market - 16/08/2025

Afri-Fest East

Pop Up Shops - 17/08/2025