Over the Christmas break which seems so long ago now the Tia’s Treasures Team had some great family fun hiding little resin ducks around the house – everyone joined in on the search to find them and fun was had by all.
This all started after Toby, youngest member of the Tia’s Treasures Team began having lunch with the School Principal Mrs Redhead in her Office after a tough few months at School, Toby would come home and tell us all about Mrs Redheads Lucky Duck and for Christmas he had asked for some Lucky Ducks, it turned out the Lucky Ducks were handmade from glass and sold at Whitby Lucky Ducks as we couldn’t guarantee a delivery by Christmas these resin ducks were the back up plan.
Tommy and Toby enjoyed the hiding and searching of these ducks that much they asked if they could hide some for others.
Together we designed a tag and a label, purchased some slightly bigger rubber ducks and after a few days the ducks began to fly the nest, wonder how far they will travel?
Apparently it’s a big thing online and there are various pages and groups on Facebook for people who hide ducks on cruise ships known as Cruise Ducks and people who hide ducks on Jeeps known as Duck Duck Jeep so we thought we would jump on the band wagon with TT Lucky Ducks, TT not only for Tia’s Treasures but also for Tommy and Toby.
Will you find a Lucky Duck?
Here are a few that have been found and shared to Tia’s Treasures Facebook Group so far.