Hundreds of residents have their say on Wymondham town improvements

Nearly 1,000 residents have already given their feedback on the proposed improvements to Wymondham town centre.

South Norfolk Council is working with Wymondham Town Council to invest nearly £1 million to improve the market town. The money is coming from matched funding from both councils of £250,000 plus the proceeds from the sale of the old town council offices which South Norfolk Council owned. 

Cabinet Member Lisa Overton-Neal said: “It’s really good news that so many residents have already had their say on what we can do to improve Wymondham town centre. People’s relationship with the high street has changed and it’s vitally important that we invest in the town to support local businesses and future proof Wymondham’s future.” 

Cllr Suzanne Nuri-Nixon, Wymondham Town Mayor and District Councillor said: “Wymondham is a marvellous market Town with a variety of businesses coupled with a vibrant, irrepressible community spirit. The new Public Realm project from South Norfolk in partnership with the Town Council will seek to add to that vibrancy and keep Wymondham a favoured destination for residents and visitors alike.” 

The project is in its early stages and both Councils want to hear from local residents and businesses on how best to spend the money and how local people think Wymondham town centre can be improved. To make sure local residents have an opportunity to have their say, South Norfolk Council is funding a public consultation, which is now open.

The two councils would like to know how residents currently use Wymondham town centre, and the issues and opportunities that it presents. This feedback will then help when it comes to the design part of the project.

Residents are being asked to fill in an online questionnaire which should take no longer than five minutes and there is also an opportunity to add additional comments that residents feel may be helpful.
Drop in events are also planned to enable residents to meet the consultation team, offer any additional feedback and participate in some hands-on activities. 

Following this initial consultation, the next step will be to produce concept designs for the town centre with another consultation on these designs early next year.

To have your say about the future of Wymondham visit The consultation is open until 13 October 2024.