Internationally-acclaimed men’s singing group , The Sheringham Shantymen, are looking for bass and harmony singers to join their crew – could this be you?
Initially formed in 1988 as The Augusta Singers, The Sheringham Shantymen officially came into being in 1990 and continue to raise huge sums of money for the RNLI and other local charities through their popular performances of historic sea shanties and well-known folk songs.
The group is comprised of around 25 members from all walks of life and perform 20-30 gigs each year at venues as varied as church halls, carnivals and lifeboat days all the way to sell-out shows on Cromer Pier and the annual Falmouth International sea shanty festival.

With practise sessions at 7:30pm every Thursday evening at Oddfellows Hall, Sheringham (followed by a few drinks in the pub afterwards (optional!)), the Shantymen are a social group as much as they are a singing group.
If you are able to commit the time to practise & attend most of the gigs, enjoy social events and have a decent bass singing voice (or the ability to sing four-part harmony) The Sheringham Shantymen would love to hear from you. It’s not a requirement to live in Sheringham, in fact some of the members live as far as Beccles!
In the first instance interested applicants should contact Brian Farrow, the Shantymen’s Musical Director, for a chat on 07748 641707 and if you are still interested at some stage you will be invited to undertake an informal audition.
If you’d like to sit in on a practise first feel free to turn up at Oddfellows Hall on a Thursday evening, the singing starts around 8pm, all are welcome to come & listen.